For help finding a sexual addiction treatment program that’s right for you or a loved one, we invite you to call trusted Roanoke CSAT therapist Dr. Elena Riedo at 817-533-7882. If you or the ones you love are hurting, there are proven methods that we can use to help you or your loved ones recover and heal.

What is Sex Addiction?

Sex addiction is characterized by an individual’s intense desire to take part in sexual activity. Some of the activities that, when taken part in obsessively or excessively, may indicate an obsession with sex include:

  • watching pornography either on television or online
  • thinking about sex for long periods of the day to the point in which it interferes with other priorities
  • excessive collections of sexual magazines
  • risk taking sexual behavior such as promiscuity or having sex in public places
  • excessive masturbation

Sex addiction typically causes the addicts thinking to be distorted and they will often rationalize their behavior in some way. They may even try to blame others for their problems or sexual actions rather than accepting that they’re the doers of their actions. As sexual addiction progresses, the behaviors that the addict takes place in will often progress as well.

What are the signs of sexual addiction? 

Early on, the signs of sex addiction may not be extremely easy to see but as time goes on, the signs will typically become more prevalent. Because sex addiction tends to progress rapidly and move from small discreet actions on to major, noticeable behaviors, you may recognize the following signs in an individual who is addicted to sex:

  • compulsive masturbation or stimulation
  • extra-marital affairs or multiple affairs in a non-married relationship
  • multiple one nigh stands
  • excessive and consistent use or pornography
  • practicing unprotected, unsafe sex
  • cybersex either over the phone or online
  • prostitution or purchasing the services of a prostitute
  • dating excessively for the ability to have multiple sexual partners
  • voyeurism or watching others have sex
  • rape
  • molestation
  • sexually harassing others