Sexual addicts feel tremendous guilt and shame about their out-of-control behavior, and they live in constant fear of discovery. Yet addicts will often act out sexually in an attempt to block out the very pain of their addiction. This is part of what drives the addictive cycle. Like other forms of addiction, sex addicts are out of control and unable to stop their behaviors despite their self-destructive nature and potentially devastating consequences. Today Dr. Elena Riedo, one of the most trusted Roanoke CSAT therapists, discusses coping with the shame that comes with sex addiction.

Many clients who do seek treatment for sex addiction note feelings of guilt and shame as their primary reasons for treatment. We implore you to not let shame or guilt prevent you from seeking the sex addiction help that can save you.

  • Shame: Because I did something wrong, there is something wrong with me.
  • Guilt: I did something wrong and I feel bad for my mistake.

We are all familiar with the feeling of guilt that comes when we consciously know that we made a mistake. Not all of us feel shame when a mistake is made though. Shame is more difficult to overcome and to cope with than guilt because it is an internal emotion that we must cope with and learn how to manifest into a positive feeling when we do better and make improvements.

Sex addiction is a real thing and when gone untreated can truly cost you or your loved ones financially, socially, and emotionally.